Saturday, December 31, 2005

to those who may wonder...

I will be returning from my brief blogging vacation soon-
If this has caused you any sort of undesirable symptom...
such as headache, sleepless nights, etc. I sincerely apologize
and do promise to return to you soon.

: )

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Friends... May God bless you in new and unexpected ways this year.

Friday, December 23, 2005

christmas thoughts...

I was thinking today on Jesus' birth... Born in a stable-cave, wrapped in swaddling clothes to ward off the night chill from the first response of baby skin to midnight air...sanitation was out the door as the steamy breath of animals and the tender touch of very young parents brought the first sense of being alive in this world to this babe.

It may be a little nuts to think about it just this way...but if two teenagers today delivered a baby in a barn in the middle of the night and kept it in a feeding trough...they would soon be up on charges of child neglect, and who knows what else. But that is just what happened then...on purpose by God's great care for you and me.

Then this God/man, this man/child, grew up to once more be wrapped in a type of swaddling cloth as he was laid in an empty tomb on a cold slab of hewn stone. The only breath here was most likely from the angels (do angels breathe?...we know they can sing and blow trumpets). He arrived on earth into the cold and muddled and treacherous world...and he departed in the cold of a tomb, the result of chaos that still exists. What an arrival...what a send off...for the Son of God. (Ever wonder if Jesus was enough of a neat-nik that he folded up His own grave wrappings...or did one of the angels do it for Him?)

To those who don't know the Gospel story...and even with some who do...God's incarnation...revelations...and resurrection are confounding tales, which, I happen to believe are true. What an arrival. What a departure, encore and final glimpse of Jesus. Paradox? Yes. But without these confounding facts we would have no hope for that tomorrow about which He declared He would come again for each one who believes He IS the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world...including mine...and yours. That should boggle the mind in the chaos and occassional oasis and joys of life

The website for Del (my sister's fiance's) band- These guys are really good... and their sound is really different. Lone Wolf is an instrumental band, comprised of a bunch of really talented guys from Spring Arbor. Check em' out!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


"...if I could press a button and go back to the way it was in the Garden of Eden, I would, because so many times I don't feel like I have any glory at all. I feel like I am in a lifeboat trying to get other people to say I am important and valued, and even when they do, it feels as though their opinion isn't strong enough to give me the feeling I need, the feeling that quit at the Fall."

in honor of 'the earl'

Yesterday at the mall - I actually saw a pug dressed up in a Christmas sweater getting ready to have his picture taken with Santa. (I heard him whisper that he was tired of the humiliation and for Christmas all he wanted was a new home... so maybe you'll be the lucky new owner) : )

Friday, December 16, 2005

I LOVE this...

courtesy of Glenn over at

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator; If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist; If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist; If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer.

But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.
-Max Luccado

The pic says it all...

a passing mood II...

For those of you wondering- I am okay... I just had some inner ANGST to work out. We all have days -

a passing mood...

here i am, too in control now. i wish i could relax, lean on those everlasting arms and let Him delicately or forcibly put me in my place. i wish that i could live as kierkegaard spoke. i feel like i have the outer everything and the inner nothing. (stay away from me for now) all this flailing and gripping will lead to my own destruction.
sit back and watch.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Intelligent people are always open to new ideas...
In fact, they look for them."
-Proverbs 18:15

from my best friend over at
I love you girl- and can't wait to see you! (1 1/2 more weeks!)

Three Names You Go By
1. Emily
2. Em
3. babe, dear, love, or any other name my husband happens to be using

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
1. at least 10minutes to lay in bed before having to get up to get ready
2. itunes
3. bottled water & soda crackers

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. my favorite brown boots
2. khakies
3. a pink maternity shirt that makes me look less pregnant than I am

Three Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. a joy for life
2. creative giving and receiving of love
3. intelligence - have to be able to have deep discussions

Three Things You Did Yesterday
1. worked at the church
2. worked at the church
3. and........... went to be early

Three Things You want to do really badly right now
1. sleep
2. eat a whole box of white chocolate covered oreos
3. sit in a hot tub- (with the box of oreos & maybe a strawberry smoothie)

Three Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Ireland/Scotland - family history and just plain beauty
2. anywhere (warm) on the coast - next to the ocean
3. California- I'd like to visit Ang

Three Things You Want to Do/Be Before You Die
1. A great wife/mom... still have a long way to go on both of those
2. I want to impact the lives of those around me everyday for the positive and towards Christ.
3. learn more about graphic design & how it can benefit the local church

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a boy/girl
1. I change my clothes about 4 times before settling on the 'right' shirt
2. I'm paranoid in the car when my husband is driving (and for no reason - he's a good driver)
3. I love to be held and have my hair rubbed

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"the Ky baby"

simply the cutest dog there ever was... : )
She answers to anything attached to Ky-
"Ky-of-the-fur-a-lots" (who knows?)
"the Ky"

Poor dog... I hope we don't do this to our child.

And the ridiculousness continues...

I swore I wouldn't do it at the end of season 3 - but alas, season 4 arrived at our door (along with our buddy Tony) and we began the trek through yet another season of 24. (or Jack Bauer as I accidentally, usually, refer to it) The goal is to catch up before season 5 begins in January. This show is as usual crazy - and I, as usual, am going crazy to know what happens.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I hope not...

My sister just sent me a picture of the shoes she wants me to wear for her wedding... For the sake of my feet, and my own embarrassment (as I would most definitely trip going down the aisle in them) I hope she's kidding!
Love you sis!

Friday, December 09, 2005

You absolutly must check out the amazingness:

[they take you to the same page]

I'm not easily impressed with Christmas displays anymore-what a sad way to realize you're an adult. (that and the tolerance of talk radio) But this particular one caused the inner-child in me to jump up and down - and I don't mean the baby.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's a Girl!

The odds really were in favor... (along with all the old wives tales) : ) I'm sorry these pics are hard to make out, but the ultrasound technician assures us that all is going well with development and that yes, baby Smith is in fact a girl.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm tired of this debate already...

This year there's been a lot of noise and discussion about stores and their use of "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." Although I'm tiring of the discussion, I would like to add my two-cents to the issue...

The passion and frustration existing behind this issure is truly noteworthy. This whole issue seems like it should be simple - we are talking about a greeting (not how you celebrate or what you're celebrating) BUT it's complicated because of the pluralistic society we all dwell in.

The complication:
Christmas can be divided into two parts - the secular and the religous . The secular observation is inescapable. Businesses close, homes are decorated, Christmas music is everywhere. This part of Christmas is inclusive -- you're welcome to enjoy it, no matter what your religion. The religious part is optional. And because this is such an important religious holiday, I understand how Christians can be frustrated and offended by its secularization and commercialization. (I am one - and I take celebrating this season very seriously)

However, as a christian, I want those of other religious choosings to respect me as a person and respect my beliefs as well. If I am refusing to shop in a store because they are not posting "Merry Christmas" on their sign I should take a good look at what this causes others to perceive about me. The last thing this world needs is to see self-righteous rediculousness.

My final thought:
Christmas is the season in which I celebrate the birth of my Savior, Jesus... Whether being told Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanza, or [heaven forbid] Happy X-mas, the season remains the same for me... The time when I remember, with my family, the tiny babe who left the amazingness of heaven to dwell among us, and create a way for me to live with him forever someday.

Celebrating this season with a new joy-

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Baby News

This was taken at 11weeks - We head back to the doctor for another photo session this coming Thurs... Provided the baby cooperates we'll know whether or not I'm carrying a boy or girl. Talk about exciting! I can't wait to find out - and will post the new pics as soon as I have them!

Ready for the Christmas Season?

A small Christmas thought for you:
[brought to you by Natalie Grant]

Mistle toe - and falling snow
and presents under the tree...
but most of all - and best of all
my Savior came for me...
my Savior came for me.

I want to keep that perspective these next few weeks. It gets a little crazy round the church this time of year - and I don't want to 'miss' the reason I'm celebrating in the first place. I pray this little song helps you, as well as myself, remember the real reason why we celebrate this season.

until later...