Wednesday, August 30, 2006

made me smile...

the cuteness astounds me...

Four and a half months - where does the time go... rolling over ... eating rice cereal... I think college is next... (or maybe just sitting up)


desite myself - I'm doing it again...
what you may asked - posting because I feel guilty. Guilty that I can't keep up with this thing. Guilty because I feel that to truly be successful in this world I have to be able to handle everything I used to be able to handle - like updating this thing- and a baby. I'll let you in on a secret, which isn't a secret at all really, it's not working. Handling most other things, but this is the one that seems to have fallen by the wayside - Sorry to the faithfuls...

Friday, August 18, 2006


Happy 3 year anniversary to Andrew (yesterday)
& Happy 4 months to Ailey
I love you both!

In a funk...

I'm sorry for the lack of posting these last few weeks... I feel as if my whole world has been turned upside down lately - my time, my priorities, all of it - and it's not just baby excuses. I'm finally, yes finally, getting out of a slump. I'vebeen in a slump for the last year. My purpose in life, although present, just did not feel real. And I sit here today a newly encouraged and hopeful woman.
I have many passions - but one of the most prominate is my passion for arts to be used in a powerful way in the church.... I have not felt the freedom to use my gifts (and that passion) since taking my current job last May. The restriction wasn't placed on me by the church, however - it was my own fear. I've been a scared leader - and I'm not going to lead my teams scared anymore. I truly have been terrified of church becoming too showy... and I've felt that oh so gentle nudge from God just telling me to go for it - listen for his direction - and to take my teams to the place of creativity he desires. So watch out Crossroads and watch out world - I'm back in the game with a redidcation to my passions - and a new place of hope!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.
Eccl. 1:4

Good reminder of God's faithfulness beyond my own circumstances... understanding... life... The earth is so much bigger than just my one perspective. It's good to be reminded of that sometimes.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

well folks, we're getting them... 3 to be exact -

I am so much less than pleased at this... the poor girl is in so much pain and I can't do anything to help. We're just trying to get through... All I can say is I'm glad to not have to get any more teeth in this lifetime - and hopefully I won't lose anymore either!