Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm in LOVE...

with this beautiful baby... and her beautiful daddy! : )

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

She's Here!

After much anticipation - AILEY KAELYN SMITH - made her way into our world...

April 17, 2006 - 1:53am
6 in 13 oz & 20 in long
(and a head full of hair)

Check out Ailey's website complete with day by day updated photos and videos - at least while we have nurses helping care for our little one! : )


Friday, April 14, 2006

The baby is coming... the baby is coming!

Sounds a little like the Paul Revere warning about the British coming to invade. But that's how I kind of feel about this little one. The doctor yesterday predicted an easter weekend baby (which i know could be on or off based on the predictability of the baby world) But all signs, and painful contractions, this morning point to yes. We will be updating sometime in the hours after the arrival of little baby smith - and the name - yes, the name, will finally be revealed along with of course some pictures and such. Thank you all for your prayes and support these last months. May God bless your families in all the ways you have truly blessed ours....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

To peep or not to peep... ala Mike T.

Curious how many of you out there like these things... and if so - do you like them fresh or stale? Oh the things we could learn about one another from this one!

my motto these days... : )

apologies for the lack of posts

just wanted to apologize to those who actually look for updates on this site... these last few weeks have been rather busy - and I'm assuming it will only continue to stay that way. I will try my best to give you an occasional thought or at least let you know I'm still breathing. Thanks to those who have expressed support and love over these last few weeks- I don't think I would've made it through without you...


Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I knew there was a way to save money on a wedding cake! : )

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Despite it all...

Despite sound failures and frustrations - God's message was still heard loud and clear this morning - and I was reminded once again of how BIG God really is... and how He doesn't ness. (although it's nice) need me or my fancy programming elements.

If you attended Crossroads this morning - you may have noticed a slight difference in the quality of "production" so to speak than normal... if you came to second service, you may not have noticed - minus that of an untimly start. But those in the first service experienced one that I hope we'll never repeat programatically BUT I must say, I hope we repeat every week our services with the same attitude of unity, humility, and service to one another that I saw this morning. Something powerful happened in the moment - the teams pulled together - each doing what they could to salvage and make do... and God - well, I just think He was working despite all of it. This could possibly be, for me, one of the most powerful services I've ever experienced at Crossroads. And I thank God for the moment.