Saturday, December 30, 2006

The end is here.... really.

It's no secret my posts have been few and far between - and I've finally made the decision to end the rediculousness. I will no longer be updating this blog. I do however, plan to keep up with Ailey's website more often, (New Year's Resolution) - - and also my myspace and facebook. It's just too much to keep up with all of them- and I can't do it any longer.

So thanks to blogger for the good run...Thanks to those of you who still checked daily to see if I had perhaps decided to update... I'm looking forward to new opportunities - HOWEVER, I will still daily check in with your blogs - so keep the posts coming!

Love to you all.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

If I got any cuter...

no really - if this girl were any cuter I don't know what I would do..

Her recently found mobility tires mom out.... She crawls all over, well everything - climbs up on things - loves to pull her self up to a standing position - and puts ANYTHING on the floor in her mouth. (which has caused a few problems - but luckily mom and dad usually spot the problem pretty quickly.

What an amazing child - I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas with both her and my amazing husband this year... what gifts they are.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It's Snowing....

Well, not the kind you might have imagined... but none the less it was beautiful. Great job this past weekend to the team at Crossroads - amazing what God does through you all on a weekly basis. really.
Oh, and GHT mark my words- someday we WILL - okay hopefully someday we will, have an ice skating rink on that stage!

Friday, December 01, 2006

my amazing early Christmas present

Real picture to come soon... (hopefully)

My amazing husband and I have been married now for 3.5 years - not long for some... but we've had what seems like an endless amount memories and journeys ALREADY! I'm thrilled to continue the journey with him.... The back story to this picture is this: When we got married we were in college and therefore the rings we bought were not exactly what we would have picked out given normal circumstances - so we've been saving for a while to trade and upgrade a little. Andrew received his new ring for his birthday this year - and mine is coming as a Christmas present. (we picked it out yesterday) The ring in the picture is a much bigger version of the one we've picked out - but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LLLLOOOOOVVVEEE my husband.

Just thought I'd share my fluttering heart feelings with you all...